Capricorn Sugar Rail Museum

CSRM: Photo Gallery

Australianised Bachmann Porter

HOn30 vs On30

Initially Capricorn Sugar Rail (CSR) locomotives and rolling stock were HO scale (1:87) using 9mm gauge track (HOn30), thus roughly 30" gauge represent the 2' gauge of the prototype. Sharp eyed observers would note that some 4mm (1:72) scale equipment has been used, acceptable in this context as much of the CSRM equipment is representative, rather than following a specific mill's practice.

More recently models have been built in O scale (1:48) using 16.5mm track (On30), again roughly 30" gauge representing Queensland's 2' gauge tramlines. Some models are 7mm (1:43 or O-16.5) scale, but they are seldom operated or displayed with the smaller On30 equipment because of the size differences.

Not just Queensland!

My personal interests are broader than just Queensland's sugar cane railways, thus I've built several shire tramway and Fijian prototype models. For me they are simply museum artefacts gathered from other similar rail operations.

A similar rationale exists for the Queensland Rail (QR) origins of many of the structures, etc., with the added benefit that viewers are likely to recognise them as appropriate for a Queensland setting.

Large Scale Models

I also have several large scale models: SM32 (16mm=1') and 7/8", potentially for use on an outdoor layout.

Gallery of Queenslands Rail Heritage Images

There are over 11,000 images (photos, drawings, etc.) in the online rail heritage Image Collection. More than half relate to Queensland and sugar cane railways. Image captions are searchable.

Queensland's Iconic Buildings, Railway Structures and Modelling Locale

A selection of Jim Fainges' pencil drawings/sketches from The Turntable newsletter (808 Kb pdf file); or the full set (6.3 Mb pdf file).

Lynn Zelmer's photos and other details of Queensland's [sometimes] unique hotels, home, commercial buildings, railway structures, etc.

wagon selection

CSRM's HOn30 Models

Several scratchbuilt models from CSRM's original HOn30 layout/modules

HOn30 brake van with flasher HOn30 Chivers loco, navvy and weed sprayer wagons HOn30 fuel and navvy wagons HOn30 Jenbach loco on 'N' scale Bachmann chassis

HOn30 wholestick wagons and portable track HOn30 Far North Hobbies Eimco loco on HOn30 cane layout HOn30 museum display layout, ANGRMS 2001 HOn30 museum display layout, ANGRMS 2001

HOn30 museum display layout, ANGRMS 2001 HOn30 museum display layout, ANGRMS 2001 HOn30 - On30 comparison HOn30 exhibition layour ready for disposal

CSRM On30 Locomotives and Rolling Stock

2009 BMTS stock Cane bin, o-4-0T, shire brake van 2010 BMTS: Bundy Fowler, Innisfail brake van, etc. 2011 NG Convention: On30 locos comparison with QR DH

Australianised Bachmann Porter Australianised Bachmann Porter Australianised Bachmann Porter John Burgess built Malcolm Moore in O-16.5 -- 7mm

Fijian Meat Wagon Comeng-inspired 4wPM loco and RJ Models 4t cane bin Various On30 wagons Motor truck hauling bin

Buderim Shire carriages on temporary display Inscale plantation-type Krauss 0-4-0t

CSRM On30 Structures

Loco shed and museum exhibit building Cottage Brick mill building Cream shed

Exhibit building Mill warehouse Picnic tables Vending machine

20' storage container Zelmer & Co, General Merchants background flat - Clever Models adaptation Moreton Mill depot Qld country-style hotel

CSRM On30 Profile (Right of Way) and Scenery

Helicopter view, 2010 BMTS Scenery base Tourist circuit High view of mill buildings Ground level view of mill buildings Mill buildings

HOn30/On30 CSRM on Exhibition/Display (Selected)


2009 BMTS display 2009 NMRA visit


2010 BMTS 2010 BMTS


2011 Rockhampton Scale Modellers 2011 setup for display 2011 NG Convention 2011 BMTS 2011 Archer Park Rail Museum

Large Scale Models

CSRM: SM32 model CSRM: SM32 model

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Site/content copyright © A C Lynn Zelmer or as marked. Last updated: 24 May 2020 [lz]; e-mail: Lynn @