Organise a working space in front of your computer, tablet or phone, ensuring that you can easily see the screen... if you have enough space to do an enthusiastic swinging arms you probably have enough room to do most of the exercises with care. Turn on some tai chi, meditation or classical music low in the background and turn up the sound on your computer to better hear the instructions, then relax and follow along by mirroring the instructor.
Remember to work within your own personal limits: Listen to what your body is telling you and adjust your exercises accordingly! You will often be encouraged to adjust your breathing to the rhythm of the activity, but the most important point is to breath smoothly and evenly. DO NOT hold your breath as that will cause you to tense up.
[Click Open/Hide for details in each category below.]
These locally produced exercises are being taught by qualified tai chi/qigong instructors. All care will be taken to ensure your wellbeing and safety. Any instructions given are intended as guidance only and you should not do anything that you consider inappropriate for you. These exercises are not intended as a substitute for medical advice or care. Please consult your medical practitioner before you begin or if you have any questions or concerns about the suitability of these classes. For liability reasons these exercises are not to be downloaded in the USA or Canada.
Introduction/Welcome -- Shibashi (I, II and X) -- Levels 1-3 -- Tao Yin (Heart Calming) -- Rod Ferguson's 5 Animals (all illustrated pdf files) -- Silk Brocade/8 Pieces --
Getting the most from your class -- Balance is the key: Tai Chi and Qigong -- Computer Break Exercises --
Movement prompt cards: Levels 1-6 (A4) -- Shibashi I (A4) -- Shibashi II (A4) -- Shibashi X (A4) -- Shibashi X (A3) -- Shibashi I as Wild Goose (A4) -- Lohan Warrior (A4) -- Mind Powered Chi Kung (A4) -- Silk Brocade (A4) -- Yoga Staff (A4) -- Russell North's Shibashi Variation A4 | A3
Web version of the 2004 "Special Needs" videotape prepared for Rockhampton 60 & Better classes (1 hour, Warm-up, Levels 1-3, Shibashi I & II, large mp4 file). Except for some changes of style and skill over the intervening years these sets remain core elements of our classes.
Tai Chi warmups and Shabashi I, 27:27 mp4; Tai Chi warmups and Shabashi II, 32 mp4; Lotus/Yellow Emperor, 6:24 mp4 (extract from longer session); One hour class with warmups and Qigong (1:03:00). [Download Class Notes above to review movement names, etc.]
You should master one level before moving on to the next. Illustrated Notes for Levels 1-3 (pdf), Movement Names for Levels 1-6 (pdf).
Warmups and level 1-3 movements step-by-step: Level 1, 25:38 mp4; One hour session with Level 2, 57:13 mp4; Level 3, 35:28 mp4; WarmUps, Shibashi II and Levels 1-3 (back and front facing views), 46:45 mp4.
Russell North demonstrates the six levels of the Academy set: back and front views, captioned movements for back view. Very large files, prepare for a slow download. Level 1 (126Mb mp4) | Level 2 (137Mb mp4) | Level 3 (132Mb mp4) | Level 4 (163Mb mp4) | Level 5 (272Mb mp4) | Level 6 (266Mb mp4).
Download Class Notes above to review movement names, etc. Tao Yin, 18:00 mp4 (no warmup, see notes above); Qigong Breathing Exercise, 6:40 mp4; Lohan Qigong Variation, 16:00 mp4; Lohan II, pdf; Animal Medley, 29:54 mp4; 5 Animals, (Eagle, Monkey, Deer, Tiger and Bear) 55:41 mp4; Silk Brocade - Standing, 22:09 mp4; Silk Brocade - Sitting, 21:55 mp4; Russell North's Shibashi Variation, 30:00 mp4 - Vivien Chao's Turtle Walk. 2:15 extract mp4 (Courtesy
AATC Wild Goose, Master Rod Ferguson: New Farm Park, 2011, with movement titles, 6:28 mp4; Rockhampton c2015, 5:49 mp4.
One hour Qigong sessions with warmups and Shibashi II, Tao Yin & Lotus, 1:03:00 mp4; Shibashi X, Lohan & Silk Brocade, 1:01:35 mp4 (from zoom class); Shibashi II & Silk Brocade, 1:00:49 mp4 (from zoom class). Note: these videos were recorded from zoom classes and are intended for more experienced practitioners as they typically do NOT include captions or other assistive commentary.
Please use caution with balances!: WarmUps/Preparation, 26:40 mp4; WarmUp, Chinese Staff and Lotus, 37:34 mp4; One hour session with staff, etc., 1:01:21 mp4. [See notes, etc., at Chinese Staff link below].
Khor tai chi Levels 1-6 movement names; class demonstration June 2013 Levels 1-6 with Russell North.
Preventing Falls [Queensland Carers].
| Core Stabilizing Ab Exercises to Help Prevent Injury in Seniors [Katherine Scoleri, CPT,]
| The best core exercises for older adults [Marty Boehm: Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital]| Embrace Life and build resilience [National Seniors].
| Essential Stretches - daily exercises [Suncorp].
Preventing Falls [Queensland Carers].
Core Stabilizing Ab Exercises to Help Prevent Injury in Seniors [Katherine Scoleri, CPT,]
The best core exercises for older adults [Marty Boehm: Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital]Embrace Life and build resilience [National Seniors].
There are 2 main ways to stretch - the one you should choose depends on what you want your body to do.
New research: how long, hard and often you need to stretch to improve your flexibility
Essential Stretches - daily exercises [Suncorp].
Tapping for stress reduction [The Conversation].
Ordering AATC Music CDs, Instructional DVDs, etc: Choose "Shop" from the National web site.
Several varieties of tai chi have developed over the centuries, and everyone's personal style is going to be slightly unique. These selected videos on YouTube cover many aspects of tai chi and qigong practice, a selection that demonstrates the breadth of AATC and other practices to help you improve your personal practice.
Check the suitability of any videos before use and always work within your own personal limits.
AATC YouTube Channel: AATC history, Golden Treasures, Qigong Basics, etc.
AATC Grandmaster Gary Khor: Tai Chi Flute and Fan (4:02).
AATC Master Rod Ferguson: Live streaming classes (recorded and live 10:00am every Friday), Free On-Line Learning Videos, Lotus (2:50), Extended Beginner's class (11:15, WTCD), Falls (2:04), Sword (4:51), Fan 1 (2:50), Fan 2 (3:20), Wild Goose Qigong (5:56), Flute (4:53), Pole (2:22).
Some beginner-level videos that should prove useful for "watch and mirror" daily practice during the current self-isolation.
The more adventurous might try Peter Chen's Yang style Tai Chi 24 Form. This is a shorter tai chi form with many similarities to the Academy form: Paragraph 1 -- Paragraph 2 -- Paragraph 3 -- Paragraph 4 and Complete Edition (all four segments with full demonstrations, 81 minutes).
Other Non-AATC: Beginner Movements (4:26), Levels 1 & 2 (7:10, ignore Pole demo), Lotus (2:10), Shibashi 1 Qigong (23:39, similar movements, faster with more repetitions).
Qigong is an ancient form of meditative exercise that focuses on body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation. To improve health and prevent disease, a person must balance their internal energy by enhancing the "Qi".
Qigong involves repetitive movements that strengthen, balance, and stretch the body, increase the circulation of bodily fluids, and build awareness of how the body moves through space. Shibashi and similar exercises are all examples of Qigong exercises.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong -- In Depth: The US National Institute of Health's National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health reports on clinical trials that have evaluated the effects of tai chi and qi gong in people with various health conditions.
5 Tips -- What You Should Know About Tai Chi for Health, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (pdf)
Download an extensive evaluation by ProjectXFactor (pdf).
To effectively combat stress, you need to activate your body's natural relaxation response. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga can help. Read More (pdf) or visit the source for updates/additional resources.
Site/content copyright © A C Lynn Zelmer or as marked. E-mail: Lynn @ last updated 13 December 2024 [lz].