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Internet and Web Technology: On-Line Information Strategies
National Health Informatics Conference -- Hobart 1999

Choices from The Virtual Lecturer
Lynn Zelmer's Home Page
My web site started several years ago as a window on my work and interests. It provides my students with useful, albeit basic, examples and is fairly "content rich". Unfortunately, it's not an exciting site... I'm an educator and instructional designer, not an artist or graphic designer.
Paragraph indent Now, however, I teach in a multimedia course and need to be showcasing good multimedia design and techniques. The site needs updating and repurposing. As you look at the materials on the site think about how you would showcase your own interests to the world.
Paragraph indent The Home Page uses a table to list the major areas as well as describe what can be found in each area. A fast loading graphic with an "image map" or descriptive "buttons" would be better, especially if a description only appeared when the mouse rolls over a button.
Paragraph indent You will probably find the Interactive Multimedia Projects of most interest.
Introductory Multimedia Unit
This site contains most of the resource materials for a first year "fun" multimedia unit for on-campus and distance students. Note particularly the tutorial materials.
Guidelines for Computer Security at CQU
Adapted, with permission, from Security and Privacy Guidelines for Health Information Systems (1995, COACH, Edmonton Canada: HealthCare Computing and Commuications Canada Inc).
Building a Web-Based Education System
One of my colleagues, David Jones, is the co-author of this book. The web site includes examples and software to support on-line educational programs. Elements of this system might be useful for a patient education program.
Presenter Image

This workshop is presented by A C Lynn Zelmer, PhD, a Central Queensland University senior lecturer who has long been involved in health training and health informatics. Contact him by e-mail at L.Zelmer@CQU.edu.au or visit his Home Page at http://vl-zelmer.cqu.edu.au. Research was provided by Hon Prof Amy E Zelmer, Faculty of Arts, Health and Sciences, Central Queensland University.
Paragraph indent LAST UPDATED: 19/8/99 (LZ)