Many of these sites were created by individual staff or students. Since they are not institutionally supported they tend to come and go quite quickly. The best of the sites are interactive and quite exciting; others may have been promising when first established but have not been updated or expanded for many months.
- Centre for Anaesthesia Skills and Medical Simulation
- Centre is located in Perth, WA. Web page is only registration form for courses.
- Emergency Medicine and Primary Care Home Page
- The site is offered by two physicians in Emergency Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. It "provides educational resources for Emergency and Primary Care physicians and health care providers." A good collection of ECGs and photos. Also Megacode Simulator (and pediatric simulator) provide opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of simulated patients in emergency situations.
- Interactive Patient Home Page
- Until recently Marshall University School of Medicine offered "The Interactive Patient" which allowed the user to simulate an actual patient encounter. The user had to interact with a simulated patient, request additional history, perform a physical exam, and review laboratory data and x-rays. The material for Case #1 was developed in 1995; there was no way of proceeding to other cases. Good example of a site with promise that disappeared, likely because no one was available to do the required further development.
- Uni Texas Trauma Home Page
- Includes a wide range of topics, including "patient presentations" which focus on emergency/trauma situations.
- Virtual Hospital, The
- Collection of resources from the University of Iowa. Australian site is at University of Queensland, Royal Brisbane Hospital.
Materials for patient education and information for Healthcare Providers.
- Virtual Naval Hospital
- Contains a very large number of well categorised links including "Health Sciences Search Engines"
- Visible Human Project
- Provides anatomical, CT scan and MRI scan images of male and female cadavers. Samples are available for download; full images are only available by password and contract.
Alternate site
This workshop is presented by A C Lynn Zelmer, PhD, a Central Queensland University senior lecturer who has long been involved in health training and health informatics. Contact him by e-mail at or visit his Home Page at Research was provided by Hon Prof Amy E Zelmer, Faculty of Arts, Health and Sciences, Central Queensland University.
LAST UPDATED: 17/8/99 (LZ)