Lynn & Amy Zelmer
PO Box 1414
Rockhampton 4700, QLD Australia
CaneSIG: Resources for sugar cane railway modellers
CSRM (Capricorn Sugar Rail Museum): a fictional rail museum in model form
Rails around the World: Modelling resources (narrow gauge, timber/logging, etc.)
Rail Heritage Image Album: Over 11,000 rail heritage images, drawings, etc.
Tai Chi/Qigong: AATC classes in Rockhampton and area with downloadable resources
Yoga Staff: Chinese Yoga Staff Routine
Downloadable resources include activity notes and video lessons
This is the on-line home of A C Lynn Zelmer and Amy E Zelmer with links to resources for education, rail heritage, modelling, tai chi/Qigong, etc. Resources on this site are copyright © and have been provided for non-commercial purposes only. Contact lynn @ for all other uses.
Site/content copyright © A C Lynn Zelmer or as marked. Last updated: 5 March 2023 [lz]; e-mail: Lynn @